BLXM Liquidity Program Gets Off To A Roaring Start!

Over $300,000 locked In less than 48 hours

Usman Salis


Tell me you are a great project, without telling me you are a great project? Well, for us at bloXmove, there is no bigger flex, and we keep mentioning this, than our incredibly supportive community. Less than 48 hours since the start of our maiden BLXM liquidity program on TokensFarm has only cemented just how amazing the bloXmove family continues to be.

With a deep sense of pride and gratitude we are happy to announce that less than 2 days into our first LP program, we currently have over $300,000 worth of tokens locked! A resounding affirmation from the bloXmove community that further demonstrates the confidence it has in the project.

The current LP pool is for the Binance Smart Chain end of the BLXM token, but the team will follow hot on its heel with an Ethereum pool for those BLXM holders that keep their assets on our parent network. So, keep an eye out very soon for an announcement to this effect.

Alpha Leak!

With the incredible reception that the BLXM LP program has garnered, the team has gone back to the drawing board and is cooking new ways to reward our most loyal backers. The team will make fresh announcements as soon as plans are perfected. If you are a BLXM holder, get ready for more exciting times ahead!

To join the LP program navigate to BLXM’s TokensFarm Page. You can also read more on the details of the program in our Medium announcement.

Happy farming!



Usman Salis

FinTech & Crypto Writer | Blockchain | DeFi | NFT | Web3 | Copywriter